PADDLERS - vertaling naar arabisch
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PADDLERS - vertaling naar arabisch




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Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor PADDLERS
1. or runners, or cyclists, or paddlers, or people who were
Open Water Swimming Manual _ Lynne Cox _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor PADDLERS
1. ET). Most of the 170 people evacuated Sunday were campers, tourists and paddlers, he said.
2. It drew at least 130 paddlers from eight countries and region.
3. The long paddle is best done by experienced paddlers on a guided tour; rough surf and seasickness are common.
4. "This is sort of an Ironman event for paddlers," says Isaac, referring to the swim–bike–run races first held in Hawaii.
5. Then, at a paddlers‘ retreat last October, Sigethy tried a style of kayaking developed over the course of 700 years by Greenland‘s indigenous Inuit.